Our work across multiple Councils has shown that although benchmarking is part of the picture, undertaking an organisation wide Fees and Charges review can deliver even greater benefits and ensure a consistent approach across the Council.
Our approach focuses on the following:
Our approach delivers real results, that make a significant contribution both to the financial position of the Council and also support a culture of strong, eyes-wide open and evidence based price setting.
Alongside “traditional” fees and charges areas such as Leisure, Waste and Licensing we also cover a broader remit and have a track record of using our expertise to identify significant additional income in areas that are often “off limits” such as Adults Charging and Childrens services and applying our principles into broader traded services.
The Fees and Charges reviews deliver a very strong return on investment, with the average payback period being just 5 weeks after implementation. Specific examples are:
We use a range of evidence and seek to challenge existing perceptions, examples of evidence used to develop strong, deliverable proposals are:
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